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St. Petersburg: Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia

IITMO University St. Petersburg

How do we succeed to transform the Open Society into an Open Information Society? How should we manage and rule the Digital Spheres of Internet, Mobile Communications, Internet of Things (IoT)? Which Regulatory Affairs of Goverment, Economy, Laws an Political Systems are needed?. How save are individual rights and privacy? How do we guarantee market access and social justice for all indiviuals? – These existential questions are on a worldwide agenda.

Meanwhile the Implementation of E-Governance and Regulatory Affairs are main issues in China, Japan, India and Africa and in Europe and in the Russian Federation.

On September 4-6, 2017 a the next EGOSE 2017 Conference will take place in St. Petersburg (Russian Federation). The conference on the topic „Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia“ adresses the main issues, that concern Information Society, e-government, e-governance, and e-democracy. The Conference provides a platform for networking and collaboration of eGovernance experts in CIS Countries and whole Eurasian area. EGOSE 2017 Conference is the fourth Confernce on Electronic Governance and Open Society, conducted by the ITMO University in St.Petersburg.

Electronic Governance and Open Society:
Challenges in Eurasia (EGOSE 2017)

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation on September 4-6, 2017
in parallel with IFIP EGOV-EPART 2017 Conference


The EGOSE 2017 Conference presents invited speakers and their papers on all topics related to e-Governance and the Information Society perspective with the special focus on Eurasia region.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

Information Society and eGovernance
Open Government Prospects
Convergence in E-Governance Services
Citizen Centered E-Government
Participatory Governance
Open Government Data
eGovernance and Policy Modeling
eGovernance and Eurasian Integration
Social Media: Tools for analysis, participation, and impact
Building Smart City
Smart Citizens and Quality of Life
Disruptive E-Governance


Svein Ølnes from Western Norway Research Institute is the first Keynote-Speaker about „Bitcoin and Blockchain in EGovernment“.

The Sessions „Digital society & governance“ and „Digital economy & technology“ structure the lecture programme.

Luis Javier Diaz; Javier Padilla; Enrique Chueca present their paper: „ICTs and democratic deficit in the EU: how VAA can help improve the democratization of EU institutions and practices. The case of EU-Vox 2014, European Elections in Spain. Their thesis leads to design bettern Information and Communication Tools and claim to help citizens by Voting Advice Applications (VAAs).

Karin Hansson; Love Ekenberg from Stockholm University report on „Understanding the demographics of the crowd: mapping the role of the participant in crisis informatics“.

Masaru Watanabe; Shun Shiramatsu; Yasuaki Goto Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) report „Tag-based Approaches to Sharing Background Information regarding Social Problems towards Facilitating Public Collaboration.“

The full programme is now published (EGOSE 2017 – Programm)

About ITMO University

ITMO University is one Russia’s leading higher education and research institutions, specializing in Information Technology, Optical Design and Engineering. Research priorities of ITMO University are concentrated in information and photonic technologies.

Further Informations:

EGOSE 2017 –

ITMO University –
