Konstantin Richter, Erzähler und Schreiber, Journalist bei POLITICO nimmt Bilder des neuen Film von Sönke Wortmann “Germany — Your Self-Portrait” zum Anlaß über die aktuelle Lage zu schreiben.
Er sieht Deutschland am „Ende des Goldenen Zeitalters“ angelangt. Er fragt: „Angela Merkel was great when things were good, but can she lead in darker times?“
Letter from Berlin
The end of Germany’s golden age
Konstantin Richter | 28.7.2016 | POLITICO
Richter sieht Deutschland gespalten:
„On one side stand the guilt-ridden advocates of Willkommenskultur, who believe Germans have a moral duty to keep borders open for everyone, and that we only have ourselves to blame when terror strikes. On the other, is the angry far right.“